
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

John, Dear, That's A Beautiful Jumping Stag You've Got There; John Deere Pavilion on Route 6, Moline, IL

Let's play word association.


You say.....

John Deere.  (Not Dear John.  That's a whole other kind of blog).

And wouldn't you know it, but guess whose headquarters are right on Route 6, in Moline, IL?

The John Deere Pavilion is the centerpiece of a Quad City $50 million Waterfront renovation project, catapulting this thriving quartet of towns on the Mississippi River to destination status.

I'm looking forward to my visit to Moline and perhaps I'll take a swig or two at the Miss. River Distillery and try to steer myself through a city Segway tour (not necessarily in that order).

Stay tuned.....

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