Tonopah, NV to Benton Spring, CA
81 miles
I just had to play the slots before leaving Nevada. Amazing how fast $20 goes when pulling the 25 cent one-arm bandit a hundred times.
Couldn't resist pairing Smash-Mouth's
"Who's There" with this segment of the drive.
Heading to Cali on Route 6; listening to “Alien Radio” – I kid you not – a great mixed bag of rock, country, pop of every age. Oh yeah – THIS is the desert, baby. Bring on the roasted animal bones and mirages.
Today, however, there’s lots of traffic. Everyone is traveling mid-day. It’s the most congested on the road since I left Spanish Fork, UT. A few miles out of Tonopah, I pulled into the beautiful Miller’s Rest Area – once a station and watering stop, now just a few shade trees, covered picnic tables, a water pump and bathrooms. It’s amazing what an underwater source will do. Gorgeous.
Route 6 pairs with 95N here (not the Interstate, obviously), and I passed random upheavals of basalt and red sandstone hills. Otherworldly.
Once 95N peels off from 6 and I take the left towards Benton, traffic thins – though it’s still busier than yesterday. The black blocks of lava, patches of white sand, snowcapped mountains, sepia mountains, dull green sagebrush and hazy blue sky put me into a kind of trance. There are no jarring colors to perk me up.
The small “Welcome to California” sign is shot through. Who knows why. Target practice? Ironic considering the next billboard I see states; “Enjoy and Care for the Eastern Sierra.” I’m welcomed to California through a state Agricultural Inspection Station and with a few questions by an Ag. Official. Driving into the car-wash-like bay, I feel as if a) I’m entering another country and b) my car should emerge cleaner than it went in. Neither applied.
Benton Springs B&B Hot Tub Benton Springs, CA |
In a few miles, I arrived at the one-pump gas station and 4 table café that is basically all of Benton, CA. I had a good grilled cheese sandwich (my fallback when I’m unsure of meat and produce), and got directions to the Benton Springs B&B – just four miles up the road on Route 120. It might as well have been on another planet; it was the loveliest B&B I’ve seen since Idaho Springs, CO – over a week ago. Owned by uber-bicyclists, Diane Henderson and Bill Branlette (they bike all over the world for months at a time), it’s one of those places so good to be true it looks like a mirage. Nine rooms (most with shared bath) ring a Spanish terra cotta courtyard and working fountain. Guests can either eat in the café back in town or cook dinner on a grill and eat outside on a shaded patio. There are three spring-fed hot tubs available for those who stay here. Trees shading gorgeously landscaped yard - flowers everywhere - this is truly an oasis in the middle of the desert.
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